Monday, October 31, 2011

A Real Halloween!

We had more than 2 kids!

We gave away all the candy we bought!

Juno was a trooper - and now she's pooped!

Our first 'real' Halloween.


Hope you enjoyed a great evening too.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Test Pots

One thing I haven't blogged about is our very 'retro' kitchen at the new house.

In addition to the matching blue lightbox and blue chandelier that completely remind us of the pizza dinner scene in E.T., pink and purple shaded track lighting above the sink, and greenish-blue remote control undermount lighting - our kitchen now also has three strips of potential paint options, courtesy of three itty bitty, super cute test pots, in three different spots around the room.

Enter the contenders: (all in our favourite brand, CIL Dulux)

Chelsea Fog

Reflecting Pool

Canadian Sky

Also in the running is our favourite green from the old house - no swatch, sorry - it was a custom mix the previous previous owners came up with - that we liked - so much so that we used it for the kitchen, basement TV room, and laundry room.

And I know, I know, the colours all look pretty similar. Even the paint supervisor at Home Depot said so. But they're not so alike once they're up on your kitchen wall!

And with plenty of trim, cabinets, windows, doors, etc. to paint around in this kitchen, we'd really like to do this just once.

We'll keep you posted!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Conversations with the Vet

In between yard maintenance and errands this weekend, we got to talking about our dog's first stay at the vet a few years ago.  That first conversation with the vet went a little like this:

Vet: "Well, Juno is fine. She did great in surgery, slept well last night, went for a walk this morning, and ate all of her food at breakfast."

Us: "Oh, that's great! So we can take her home?"

Vet: "She also ate the bowl."

Us: "Oh, ok."

Vet: "Um, I'm not sure if you heard me...she ate the bowl."

Us: "Ok."

Vet: "Uh, that doesn't concern you?"

Us: "We're concerned, we're just not surprised. That sounds like something she would do."

Vet: "We've made a note in Juno's file - stainless steel bowls only."

Us: "Oh, ok, that's great, thank you."

"Labrador Retrievers are prone to chewing objects, having a well-known reputation for appetite, and some individuals (see Juno), may be highly indiscriminate, eating digestible and non-food objects alike." - Wikipedia
N.B. I added the 'see Juno' part.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Down by (in) the Bay

Last night's torrential rain and wind were fun.

Sleeping in a bay window was less fun.

(Minor) casualty count: 1 ripped canvas deck awning cover (kicking ourselves for not having taken it down last weekend!)

Currently: Battening down the hatches. This is supposed to last a few more days!


Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Juno is making herself right at home in this new house; she has already cultivated a new collection of 'lost / abandoned treasures' gathered during her walks and park runs.

The collection currently has one large previously-enjoyed stick, one medium new stick, and one fuzz-less tennis ball.

The large stick lives at the back gate to the park...

The medium stick lives on the back Juno can pick it up, allowing her to multi-task on her just-before-bed pit stop. Seriously, this dog needs to have something in her mouth when she 'goes'...

And the ball, as I mentioned in this post, lives in the mail box so she can feel 'useful' on walks that start out from the front door.

I'll update as the collection grows.

So glad you feel at home here, Juno. We do too.

"A dog has no use for fancy cars or big homes or designer clothes. Status symbol means nothing to him. A waterlogged stick will do just fine." - John Grogan

Monday, October 17, 2011


In transferring all our services to the new house, we made the big decision to cancel cable.

Our reasoning was two-fold - we weren't watching much TV, and it was costing too much for something we weren't using.

Our evenings have since become pretty productive.

We have been indulging in fairly regular movie nights though - but only after the dinner clean-up is done, any errands are run, bills are paid, laundry is done, etc. during the week. And we're watching movies we already own.

And because we start the movies later into the evening, after all the 'work' is done, each movie has been lasting us two nights. So it may just take us until Halloween itself to finish the boxed set of horror classics we've been making our way through this week and last!

Tonight is the conclusion of 'The Terror' with a 26-year old Jack Nicholson (!).

Pass the popcorn :)

(Image from here)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Closed for the Season

That's it! We're closed for the season!

And here's Juno after a long day of watching us close the pool - it took all she had to 'just watch' and not 'help'.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Out of the Box

So everything on the main floor and upstairs is out of boxes! Well, except for books. But boxes keep the books contained, so it's really better to keep them in their boxes. It feels less 'move-ish'.

Yeah, I don't buy it either.

(At least it's not like this.) 
(image from here)

But this means that I can get back to the book project soon - with a clear head - and a clear path! I just think my book notes might be in a box in the basement. Ack.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Flyers and the Ninjas Who Deliver Them

Our new house is on a flyer route - oh happy day! We love us some flyers.

And whoever delivers these flyers is silent and snappy. One minute we've got a mailbox with nothing more than Juno's park ball in it, and, the next, our mailbox is brimming with coupon-y goodness.

Whoever this person is, we like you, and thank you.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Turkey, and Worms In The Pool

Thank heavens for time-saving Thanksgiving turkey dinner leftovers! We spent tonight skimming and vacuuming leaves and worms out of the pool. And an equal amount of time wondering how worms end up in the pool exactly - are they crawling along the pool surround and fall birds drop them? Where exactly do they come from, and particularly in the quantities we had?

 (Image from here)

Now we're thrilled and very lucky to have a pool to clean, and we like worms as much as the next person, but this was gross.

Anyway, the pool is now skimmed, vacuumed, and covered for the night. Tomorrow we repeat, and maybe Thursday, Friday, and Saturday too, until our pool closing tutorial with the previous owner on Sunday.

Thank heavens for kind previous owners too.

(Image from here)

Friday, October 07, 2011


Just a quick post to say that we're slowly resurfacing!

We are in the new house, and connected to the world by phone and internet again!

The move was almost seamless and we're just trying to settle in a bit. Progress is good on the unpacking front - it certainly feels like home - and now it's starting to look like it too!

Adam vacuuming on move-out day

Juno settling in and enjoying all the cool tile in this house!
Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian readers!